From the Editor: Nostalgia
If you’re looking for an escape, you’ve come to the right place. Let yourself be whisked away to the whimsical 1990s, where times were simpler. The United States wasn’t involved in (many) (overt) wars, and most of us weren’t old enough to pay rent yet. I have faith that most of us pay rent now. Life felt hard, but was manageable for the lucky among our readers.
Nostalgia is more than the 1990’s, however. Nostalgia is a dog you once had, a vacation you took, a bad (but fun) choice you made. Nostalgia is your grandparents, remorse or pain, the chicken noodle soup mixed with canned corn—that’s probably specific to my life.
What’s important to consider in your nostalgia is how this retrospective whimsy informs your present and future selves. What lessons were learned? How have you grown? And can you approach your life today with the same value, the same sentimentality and joy as you have for the past?
So take the words, images, and sounds of this issue with these questions in mind.
Enjoy the new, improved CAP.
Cover: “Grandma Gets Married” by Shay Spaniola
Inside Cover: “Joanna” by Sean Bradley
Special thanks to Ian Mansfield, aka Commodore America, for the coding help in the days leading up to this issue’s release.