Erin Baird
Erin Baird is a visual artist, designer, and professional hairstylist residing in Austin, Texas. Between cutting hair, freelance illustration, and staying fit, Erin keeps herself busy. Check out her blog!
Margaret Becker
Margaret Becker lives in Austin, Texas where she takes lots of photographs and thinks too much about everything.
Larisa Chavarria
Having always been a day-dreamer, Larisa lives to create. As long as her hands are making and engaging her imagination she is happy. Professionally, she is a user experience designer at a software company; by night she is an artist, photographer, maker, crafter, fixer. She recently decided to refocus on the fine arts again and is preparing a new body of work for the East Austin Studio Tours. Check out her work at www.larisachavarria.com.
Franny Choi
Franny Choi is a Korean-American poet, playwright, and fiction writer. A Pushcart Prize nominee and award-winning performer, she has been invited to read at schools, festivals, and performance venues across the country. Her work has appeared in Fringe, Angry Asian Man, Apogee, Tandem, Issues, and others. Her first full-length collection of poems is forthcoming on Write Bloody Publishing.
Vanessa Motorhead Crook
Vanessa Motorhead Crook is a multi media artist who received her B.F.A. from the University of Texas. Her work is the product of her love of one-liners and firm irreverence. She does not (yet) have a website.
Ryan VonMinus
Ryan VonMinus is a Brooklyn-based creative/music producer, the creative director & founder of Awe & the Abyss, a story maker, super villain, and Devil’s advocate.
Cyrus Egon
Cyrus Egon lives presently in Austin, TX. He writes and draws. cyrusegon.com
Stephanie Finger
Stephanie Finger is a former teacher of English and photography. She’s currently pursuing her master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Texas. She spent last year writing and editing in New York City, where she worked for Selected Shorts, PEN American Center, VS. Magazine, and DailyCandy, but she’s glad to be back in Austin contributing to local publications, taking photos, and studying up a storm. Check out her blog at Herbookshelf.com.
Carla Jean Jr.
Carla has a university background in architecture, which has afforded her a terribly modern job consisting mostly of manipulating lines on a computer screen all day. She prides herself in pursuing the free-spirited life by permanently “escaping” her hometown, despite her mother’s protests, and then promptly settling down in Austin, TX, having hardly moved an inch in the eight years since. She is more like her mother than she prefers to admit.
Tony Kinglux
Tony Kinglux is a mystically minded, nomadic artist and designer. Travelling both the road less travelled and the one well worn, he never truly expects to arrive anywhere in specific. You can visit his projects over at www.kinglux.co.uk.
Stephanie Martin
Stephanie is an educator, lab coordinator, and trained evolutionary biologist. She has an unnatural love of teeth, morphological complexity, and pugs.
Diego McCafferty
Diego McCafferty lives in Los Angeles, with a cat.
Molly McClurg
Molly McClurg is a UX Designer in Austin, Texas. She studied Graphic Design at Loyola Marymount University in LA, but really spent most of her time going to shows. She hopes to someday win the lottery to pay back her parents.
Notalkingplz is a New York-based artists who dedicates 100% of his free time to drawing, working primarily with india ink, crayola crayons, and gouache on index cards of assorted sizes. He also likes to experiment with pop-up cards and portraiture. His current collection numbers roughly 10,000 drawings. Website | Store
Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz
Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz is the author of five books of poetry (Dear Future Boyfriend, Hot Teen Slut, Working Class Represent, Oh Terrible Youth, and Everything is Everything) as well as the nonfiction book, Words In Your Face: A Guided Tour Through Twenty Years of the New York City Poetry Slam, which Billy Collins wrote “leaves no doubt that the slam poetry scene has achieved legitimacy and taken its rightful place on the map of contemporary literature.” Cristin’s most recent awards include the ArtsEdge Writer-In-Residency at the University of Pennsylvania (2010-2011), a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship in Poetry (2011) and the Amy Clampitt Residency (2013). Her sixth book of poetry,The Year of No Mistakes, will be released by Write Bloody Publishing in Fall 2013 and her second nonfiction book,Curiosity: Thomas Dent Mutter and the Dawn of Modern Medicine, will be released by Gotham Books (Penguin) in Fall 2014. www.aptowicz.com
Phill Pappas
Phill Pappas is the author of One Page At A Time: Getting Through College with ADHD. When he’s not traveling, Phill lives, writes, and performs in Austin, TX. Instead of working on his blog, he’s currently doing laundry.
Payal Parikh
Payal Parikh is a portrait and fine-art photographer living in New York City and traveling anywhere she can. www.payalparikh.com
Ann-Marie Preiner
Ann-Marie is the wickedest witch in the Northeast of Scotland. Her skin is green, her eyes are red. She likes to draw comix and the odd severed head.
Patrick Pryor
Patrick Pryor is a creative writing wizard residing in Austin, Texas. He currently slings pizza at people for a living, wrestles with a broken drum machine, and curates the South Austin Museum of Bad Art.
Corwin Riddle
Corwin is a freelance writer and designer who spends most of his nights creating and subsequently destroying imaginary monsters. He enjoys long walks in the graveyard, candlelit arson, and being taller than the other contributors.
Christopher Rife
Christopher Rife is a writer and performer from Chicago. He is the co-founder and Editor-in-chief of N/A Literary Magazine and is a contributing editor for Matter Monthly. His poetry has been featured or is forthcoming in Ghost Ocean Magazine, ALiteration, CBS Chicago, and Denver Quarterly. You can contact him anytime through his blog.
Stav Sela
Stav is an educator from Austin, Texas. She loves teaching and learning from her students, as well as occasionally drawing pictures of humorous things she and her friends say.
Art Tavana
Art Tavana is a music journalist based in Los Angeles. He plays the bass guitar, regularly consumes Cocoa Puffs, and still thinks the Clash are ‘the only band that matters.’ He’s currently re-watching the Scott Pilgrim bass battle scene and bitching about how Netflix doesn’t have shit to watch.
@NoiseJourno | noisejourno.com
Katie Walsh
Katie Walsh is a writer, critic, academic, blogger, and film industry vet based in Los Angeles. She has contributed film reviews, TV recaps, and interviews to the The Playlist on indieWIRE since 2009, and has written about media and culture for The Hairpin and Movieline. She received her M.A. in Critical Studies from the USC School of Cinematic Arts in 2013, where she worked as an Associate Programmer. She is currently a first year doctoral student at the USC Annenberg School for
Communication and Journalism, focusing on television and new media.
Joan Zamora
Joan Zamora was born in Mexico. Her addresses have included London, San Francisco, the San Fernando Valley, and houses all over the L.A. County. She currently works with kindergartners and on Black Fridays in Los Angeles, California. joanzamora.tumblr.com