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20 Oct

Issue 04 Contributors
October 20, 2013
19 Oct

Self Portrait as My Dachshund Max
October 19, 2013
Sometimes I try to make eye contact with my dog
and fail.
17 Oct

October 17, 2013
words by Feliks Garcia | illustration by Stav Sela
Everybody handles loss differently. Some take up hobbies, some drink, some cry, and some bottle the pain to the point that it becomes prolonged denial.
16 Oct

City of Coins
October 16, 2013
This year, Edwin, while bending down to feed his turtles, would collapse into his bathtub, Grandpa discovering him early the next morning, water still running, turtles clustered on the opposite side of the porcelain tub.
15 Oct

October 15, 2013
Manny had stared with cold indifference as he slowly but deliberately forced the wide blade into Sir Reggie’s chest, stopping only when the jewel-encrusted hilt reached bone.
14 Oct
October 14, 2013
The alchemists, curious characters, who combined aspects of proto-scientist, psychologist, student of the mysteries, and downright charlatan. Their goal was to transform the body and mind into something incorruptible and magnificent.
13 Oct
Alaska Wild
October 13, 2013
Behold! The majesty of Alaskan wildlife!
12 Oct

The Peyote Gospel
October 12, 2013
Elephants get shitfaced, goats get tweaked out on caffeine, dolphins can use LSD to overcome PTSD, and cats go HAM over catnip.
10 Oct

Savages in Concert
October 10, 2013
We are all Savages.
08 Oct

Werewolf Joe
October 8, 2013
In the communal bathroom
on the fourth floor you can sometimes
hear Werewolf Joe whistling off-key
melodies by Warren Zevon…
07 Oct
When Handimals Attack
October 7, 2013
The hands in these photographs are unexpected, cunning, and full of mischief and bloodlust.
06 Oct

An Afternoon at Gus Fruh Pool
October 6, 2013
Michael Tamlin skipped a rock across muddy water and thought, What a beautiful day to be me! A warm breeze ruffled his close cropped curls, streaked with gel and shimmering with the joy of lazy Saturday well spent.
06 Oct
AKA Dolphins
October 6, 2013
words by Phill Pappas
The newly granted rights of cetaceans exist mainly in their, “right to be left alone,” as in we, humans, should cease the killing and suffering of dolphins in any way, shape, or form.
05 Oct

The Social Crimes of the Catfish
October 5, 2013
Catfish: The TV Show, while on the surface purporting to be a show about bringing people together, is really an opportunity for viewers to witness the exposure and embarrassment (and thus punishment) of someone guilty of the social crime of lying.
04 Oct

Epitoky, or Glowing Worm Sperm
October 4, 2013
words by Stephanie Martin | illustration by Ryan VonMinus
One of the rather quirky scientists started talking about how it was almost the last lunar quarter of the year, which triggers his favorite event, epitoky. “What is that?” I asked. His response, “Three words: glowing worm sperm.”
03 Oct

Jellyfish, Grackles, or Ghosts
October 3, 2013
words by Carla Jean Jr. | illustration by Erin Baird
She had written about a jellyfish that was on a quest to meet the king of the ocean, a giant jellyfish that ruled over everything with its many long tentacles.
02 Oct

2 Poems
October 2, 2013
words by Franny Choi | illustration by Molly McClurg
“Mantis Shrimp (Order Stomatopoda): Lightning-fast predators with the most complex eyes in the animal kingdom. Their powerful limbs spear or club their prey using one of the fastest responses known to man. They can deliver a blow that is equivalent to the force of a bullet.” — BBC Science & Nature
01 Oct

From the Editor: The Animal Issue
October 1, 2013
This issue explores this relationship through various media, from different points of view, and different interpretations of the word “animal.” So join us for the next 16 pages and let’s celebrate our shelled, scaled, furry, feathered, finned, and, yes, thumbed friends in CAP 04: The Animal Issue.